Go Dumaguete - Your Gateway to Negros Oriental, Philippines
Take a virtual tour of the municipality of Dauin in Negros Oriental Philippines with a total of 30 dive sites including the pride of Daiun -- Apo Island!

Dauin, Negros Oriental

Dauin is a coastal town in Negros Oriental, Philippines with perfect beaches of fine sand that stretch on for miles The Mindanao Sea forms its eastern border and this is where the most precious treasures of Dauin lie -- underwater.

With excellent scuba dive sites Dauin offers both coral reef and muck dive opportunities. Apo Island and other marine sanctuaries such as Masaplod, Luca, Dauin and Mainit, within which fishing and boats are prohibited to preserve the habitats of the huge quantity and variety of life forms found therein.

Private resorts set amid Dauin's seaside terrain offer visitors a wide variety of options & services for their perfect island vacation.

Distance from Dumaguete City: 15.8 km

Land Area:
114.1 sq km

23,681 (2007 survey)

Fiesta & Patron Saint:
September 10 - St. Nicolas de Tolentino

Inagta Festival, December 6

Tourist Attractions:
Apo Island
Visitor Attractions
of Dauin, Negros Oriental

Apo Island
An Internationally-acclaimed dive site with spectacular coral gardens and a cornucopia of marine life, Apo Island is accessible by motorized outrigger boats. The 72-hectare volcanic island is home to 450 coral species and 2,500 fish species. A community-managed marine sanctuary, it is often cited as one of the best managed reefs in the Philippines.

  Kinaiyahan Festival
  (September 7)
  Celebrating the bounties of nature and underscoring Dauin’s
  campaign to conserve the natural resources and attractions.
  It is a happy affair with street dancing and field presentations by
  all the barangays of the municipality.

How Dauin Got Its Name
(Source: Dauin Municipal Profile - 1977)

Dauin is divided into several barrios with meaningful names. One barrio, being famous for flowers was named "Bulak." Mag-aso is so named after its hot springs which are called by others "volcano" because of the steam that is thrown off by the crater all the time. A barrio once famous for pepper is called "Casile." Some of the big barrios, namely Masaplod and Maayong Tubig, received their names because of the rivers that flow thru them. 

How Dauin got its name as based on the stories handed down from one generation to another.

When those inhabitants mistook the Spanish explorers for Moros (whom the natives knew to be marauding pirates) they fled to the hills, to the place they called Dauis, which meant "top of hill." Thus it is said that Dauin became known to the Spaniards as the dwelling place of the early inhabitants of the area.

A second version, is that the locals who were assigned to stand guard at the Spanish-built watch towers would hear a strange sound nightly that sounded like a boom of thunder. This made them afraid because, although they would see nothing, but by morning footprints could be found around the tower.

This strange occurence would be reported to the Spaniards who did not believe them until they took their turn watching the tower and saw that what the locals were saying was true. They would refer to the visiting supernatural beings "Duwende." Later when the Spaniards organized the different towns in order to facilitate the collection of tributes, they called this place where the watch tower stoof (and still stands) Dauin. This the story of of some of the older citizens of this town.

Dauin is about 20 minutes away from Dumaguete City. Guests are picked up at the airport by private vans owned by the resorts where they are booked.

If you are going there on your own, jeepneys are available from Dumaguete City, It is also possible to ride a southbound bus headed for Bayawan to get off at Dauin.

Windsurfing, diving, sailing, swimming, sunbathing, camping, hiking, trekking, picknicking

Atlantis, Atmosphere, Private Residence, Bahura beach resorts
Locator map of Dauingros Oriental, Philippines
Lake Balanan in Siaton, Negros Oreintal, Philippines
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